How to Print 1096 forms in sage 50?

Most customers use the 1096 forms to summarize the 1099 forms that they have been sending over to the IRS for their 1099-type vendors. The 1096 form is required whenever you submit the paper 1099 forms.

Once the user has mailed the 1099s over to the IRS, they need to group them and attach a separate 1096 for each group of 1099s. As the 1096 is a special machine-readable form, it should always be printed on preprinted instead of the plain-paper forms.

Predefined 1096 forms

Sage 50 comprises of the following predefined 1096 forms:

  • Form 1096 Preprinted: One can Use this form if they wish to type in their address or affix an address label within the space specified on the form.
  • 1096-Preaddressed Preprint: The company name and address are preprinted on this form.

Printing 1096 forms

To print the 1096 forms, you need to follow the below steps:

  1. Start by Selecting the Forms from within the Reports & Forms menu. 
  2. Next, select the Tax Forms.
  3. Now you need to Select a Report or Form window that will open with the Forms list displayed.
  4. Click Select the 1096 form you wish to print from the Forms list.
  5. Click the Preview and Print button displayed below the sample image of the form.
  6. The Preview and Print 1096 Form filter screen will be displayed.
  7. Next, Make your filter selections. In the Payment Method filter, you need to select to include the same payment methods that were selected when you generated the 1099s.
    Note: Click Refresh List after opening the filter screen to check the information within the selection grid. Also, be sure to click Refresh List after making any filter selections to check the updated details within the grid. Once you click Print/Email, forms will print according to the current filter selection criteria irrespective of what the user might have previously selected within the grid.
  8. Finally, Click Print/Email to print the form.

Related Topic -> Print 1099 Vendor Forms In Sage 50

To Use the Preview and Print 1096 Form Filter Screen

Once the user has chosen to print or preview a form, the preview and print filter screen will be displayed. One does not have to make any changes to this screen. The user can simply click Print/Email or Print Preview to print, email, or preview the form according to the default filter settings. Nevertheless, if the user wishes to change the filter selections, they may do so using the different tabs on the filter screen.


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Frequently Asked Question

Q. How to download the 1096 forms?

A. This can be done from:

Q2. Can one print a 1096 form?

A. One must bear in mind that the official printed version of this IRS form is scannable, however, a copy, printed from this website, is not.

Q3: Is there a 1096 template?

A. Yes, and this is easily available from the Internal Revenue Service.



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