Sage Intacct Salesforce Integration, Step-by-Step Guide

  • February 20, 2024

Are you planning to Sage Intacct Salesforce Integration? Maybe your sales team just closed a massive deal with a prospect they've been working with for months. But before the finance team can generate a formal purchase order confirmation and invoices needed for client signature, they have to manually collect details from the sales reps tied up in separate systems and files. With siloed sales and accounting platforms, this fragmented back-and-forth delays order verification, testing client patience and considering competitors who promise faster turnaround.

If only the sales and finance departments had integrated visibility and workflows to seamlessly collaborate on fulfilling deals instead of bumping between disconnected systems. This lack of agility risks losing sales in the scattered communication between teams.


In this post, we’ll take a deep dive into Sage Intacct Salesforce integration.

Unleash The Power Of Salesforce CRM

For many growing companies, Salesforce is the CRM platform powering sales team productivity. It delivers:

  • Contact and lead management
  • Opportunity tracking
  • Sales automation and workflows
  • Advanced reporting and forecasting
  • Mobility features and apps

With Sage Intacct integration, Salesforce data flows bi-directionally to finance teams to maximize visibility and collaboration.

Additionally, custom add-ons extend Salesforce to solve for niche industry needs:

  • Sales Cloud for sales force automation
  • Service Cloud for customer service management
  • Community Cloud to engage external networks
  • More products like Marketing Cloud, Personalization Builder, CPQ, and Einstein AI

The benefit for sales teams is that the CRM equips staff with timely and comprehensive data to sell more strategically. Workflows based on account, opportunity, activity, or any trigger initiate appropriate actions in the background.

Powerful alone, but game-changing when unified with financials. This empowers data-driven decision-making based on total operational intelligence across teams.

Pros and Cons of Sage Intacct Salesforce Integration

Imagine you’re running a business that sells custom-made widgets. Your sales team uses Salesforce to manage leads and opportunities, and they’ve just closed a whopper of a deal with Acme Inc. for a bulk order of widgets.

Without Integration:

  • Your sales rep celebrates the big win, and then manually sends the order details to the finance team.
  • The finance team, using Sage Intacct, manually enters the order into the system, creates an invoice, and sends it to Acme Inc.
  • The sales rep has to check back with the finance team to see if the invoice has been paid.
  • This back-and-forth takes time, and there’s room for error with all that manual data entry.

With Sage Intacct and Salesforce Integration:

  • The moment your sales rep closes the deal in Salesforce, the order details are automatically sent to Sage Intacct.
  • An invoice is generated and sent to Acme Inc., without anyone in finance lifting a finger.
  • The sales rep can see the status of the invoice right in Salesforce, knowing exactly when it’s been paid.
  • Acme Inc. makes a payment, and the finance team sees the updated cash flow in real time.

This seamless flow means your teams can work smarter, not harder. It’s like having a super-efficient conveyor belt that takes care of the practical details, so you can focus on making more sales and growing your business. Plus, with accurate data at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions on the fly.

Benefits of Sage Intacct salesforce integration

The integration between Sage Intacct salesforce integration is a real game-changer. It’s like having a bridge that connects your sales and finance teams, allowing them to share data in real time. No more data silos or double entry. Here’s the scoop on the benefits:

  • Real-Time Visibility: You’ll have up-to-the-minute insights into your financials right from Salesforce. This means your sales team can see customer payments, outstanding invoices, and overall financial health without leaving their CRM.
  • Streamlined Processes: Say goodbye to manual data entry. When a sale is made, the details zip right into Sage Intacct, creating invoices and updating records faster than you can say “Show me the money.”
  • Accurate Forecasting: With both systems talking to each other, you can forecast with more accuracy. It’s like having a crystal ball that works.
  • Custom Workflows: You can set up custom workflows that trigger actions in Sage Intacct based on changes in Salesforce, keeping everyone on the same page.

So, what’s on your Wishlist for this dynamic duo? Any specific challenges you’re hoping to tackle with this integration? Let’s make sure it’s tailored just right for your team.

Elevating Your Business with Sage Intacct Salesforce Integration

  • Elevating Your Business with Sage Intacct Salesforce Integration
    Leverage the power of expanded contact management within your opportunity pages. Our integration solution surpasses the default limitations, enabling the auto-synchronization of an extensive array of contacts and their details, paving the way for superior collaboration and communication. 
  • Custom Dimension Creation and Management 
    Harness the capability to create and manage a variety of custom dimensions directly from Salesforce. This advanced feature aligns your financial reporting with your sales activities, allowing for a more detailed and customized analysis of your business operations.
  • Simplified Product Assignment in Opportunities 
    Transform the way you assign products to opportunities with our innovative approach. Similar to filling an online shopping cart, our solution enables the addition of multiple products to a queue, which can then be submitted in one go, saving time and enhancing productivity. 
  • Unified Transaction Viewing Experience 
    Experience the convenience of viewing corresponding transactions within Salesforce and Sage Intacct in a single window. Our integration facilitates a seamless cross-reference of transactions, ensuring data accuracy and streamlining your financial oversight. 
  • Synchronized Opportunity Status and Invoice Updates
    Stay up-to-date with real-time synchronization between changes in opportunity status in Salesforce and invoice updates in Sage Intacct. This synchronization ensures that your financial documentation reflects the most current sales data, maintaining consistency across platforms. 
  • Customization to Fit Your Unique Business Needs 
    Recognizing that each business has its own set of challenges and requirements, our integration is designed to be flexible. From streamlined payment processing to automated transaction synchronization, we can tailor our services to meet your specific business demands. 

Scenario: The Case of the Missed Opportunity

Let’s say you’re running a company that provides high-end, custom-designed office furniture. Your sales team is hustling in Salesforce, tracking leads and opportunities, while your finance team is managing the books in Sage Intacct.

The Problem:

  • A hot lead, “Fancy Offices Inc.,” is interested in a large order. Your sales rep, Alex, has been nurturing this lead and finally gets the verbal go-ahead.
  • Because there’s no integration, Alex manually emails the order details to the finance team to create an invoice.
  • The finance team is swamped and doesn’t get to Alex’s email until two days later. They create the invoice in Sage Intacct and send it to Fancy Offices Inc.
  • Meanwhile, Fancy Offices Inc. is in a rush and expects a quicker turnaround. They don’t receive the invoice in time and decide to go with a competitor who could provide immediate confirmation and billing.

The Impact:

  • Lost Sale: The delay in invoicing costs you the deal with Fancy Offices Inc.
  • Damaged Reputation: Fancy Offices Inc. is left with a poor impression of your company’s efficiency, which they might share with others.
  • Missed Revenue: The large order would have significantly boosted your quarterly sales figures.
  • Wasted Time: Alex and the finance team spent time on a deal that fell through due to inefficiencies.

Without the integration, your teams are not only working in silos but also risking delays that can cost you business. Your business needs speed and accuracy, and the integration helps ensure you’re not leaving money on the table due to preventable missteps.

Sage Intacct salesforce integration Process

Getting started with the Sage Intacct salesforce integration is like setting off on a road trip – you’ve got to make sure you’ve got all your essentials packed and ready to go. Here’s how we’ll kick things off:

  1. Initial Consultation: We’ll have a chat to understand your current setup, your processes, and what you’re looking to achieve with the integration. It’s like getting the lay of the land before we start building.
  1. Assessment: I’ll take a closer look at your Sage Intacct and Salesforce setups to identify any custom fields, workflows, or processes that we need to consider for seamless integration.
  1. Planning: Together, we’ll map out a plan that outlines the steps we’ll take, the timeline, and any customizations needed. Think of it as our roadmap to success.
  1. Implementation: This is where the rubber meets the road. I’ll handle the technical side of things, setting up the integration, and ensuring data flows correctly, and that everything is functioning as it should.
  1. Testing: Just like test-driving a car, we’ll put our integration through its paces to make sure everything is working smoothly and iron out any kinks.
  1. Training: I’ll provide training for your team so they can make the most of the new setup. It’s all about empowering you to take the wheel with confidence.
  1. Go-Live: With everything in place and every one up to speed, we’ll flip the switch and watch as your sales and finance teams start collaborating like never before.
  1. Ongoing Support: I’ll be on standby to provide any technical support or tweaks needed as you get comfortable with the new system.

Cost of Sage Intacct, Salesforce Integration

Think of it as an investment in your company’s efficiency and growth. Here’s a ballpark breakdown of what you can expect:


  • Initial Consultation: Typically, free as we’re getting to know each other.
  • Assessment & Planning: This can range from $500 to $2,000, depending on the complexity of your current systems.
  • Implementation & Customization: Depending on the extent of customization and the size of your business, this could be anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000+.
  • Training & Support: Usually around $500 to $1,500, ensuring your team is ready to roll.


  • Initial Consultation: 1 hour
  • Assessment & Planning: 1-2 weeks
  • Implementation & Customization: 4-8 weeks
  • Testing: 1-2 weeks
  • Training: 1 week
  • Go-Live: 1 day
  • Ongoing Support: As needed

Also, Read ->  How to Integrate Sage Intacct with Salesforce

Keep in mind, that these are rough estimates. The actual cost and time could vary based on your specific needs and the scale of your operations. But don’t worry, we’ll hash out the nitty-gritty details together to make sure you get the most bang for your buck.

Table: Sage Intacct and Salesforce integration cost breakdown

Phase Cost Estimate Timeframe Estimate
Initial Consultation Free 1 hour
Assessment & Planning $500 - $2,000 1-2 weeks
Implementation $2,000 - $10,000+ 4-8 weeks
Customization Included in above -
Testing Included in above 1-2 weeks
Training $500 - $1,500 1 week
Go-Live Included in above 1 day
Ongoing Support As needed As needed

Note: These are estimated ranges and could vary based on the specific needs and scale of your business.

What else to consider when integrating Salesforce with Sage Intacct

When it comes to deciding to integrate Sage Intacct with Salesforce, here are a few more things to consider:

  • Customization Needs: Think about any unique aspects of your business that might require custom solutions. The more tailored the integration, the better it will serve your needs.
  • Data Clean-Up: Before migration, it’s a good idea to clean up your data. This means removing duplicates, correcting errors, and ensuring data quality.
  • Change Management: Prepare your team for the change. This includes communicating the benefits, providing training, and setting expectations.
  • Scalability: Consider how the integration will scale with your business. You want a solution that grows with you.
  • Security: Make sure you understand the security measures in place to protect your data during and after the integration.
  • Vendor Support: Evaluate the level of support provided by the vendors. You’ll want reliable assistance available when you need it.
  • Future Updates: Ask about how updates to either Sage Intacct or Salesforce will be handled to ensure ongoing compatibility.

Taking these factors into account will help you make a well-rounded decision.


Integrating tech stacks across teams and departments unleashes game-changing efficiency. Specifically, connecting Salesforce and Sage Intacct transforms historically siloed sales and finance groups into a unified powerhouse.

With bi-directional syncing, automatic workflows, and complete data visibility, your staff are empowered to operate at their full potential.

Ultimately this integration upgrades enterprise synergies for accelerating transactions, boosting sales productivity, and knocking out clunky business bottlenecks.

The time and cost to set up this integration pay back exponentially over years of streamlined growth. It launches your company into the future of tech-enabled agility so you can better respond to opportunities in an age where speed and intelligence separate market winners from the pack.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Salesforce and Sage Intacct integration?

A. It’s the process of connecting your CRM and accounting systems to enable real-time data sharing, streamline operations, and enhance team visibility and collaboration.

Q. What are the benefits of integrating Salesforce with Sage Intacct?

A. The integration offers benefits such as real-time financial visibility from Salesforce, automated invoice management in Sage Intacct, accurate forecasting and reporting, and custom workflows for triggered actions in Sage Intacct based on Salesforce updates.

Q. How does the integration between Salesforce and Sage Intacct function?

A. The integration utilizes an API to synchronize data bi-directionally, ensuring that changes in one system are immediately reflected in the other.

Q. What is the cost associated with integrating Salesforce and Sage Intacct?

A. Costs vary based on system complexity, customization needs, and business size, generally ranging from $2,500 to over $15,000, covering assessment, planning, implementation, testing, training, and support.

Q. What is the typical timeframe for integrating Salesforce with Sage Intacct?

A. The process can take anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks, depending on factors like system complexity, team availability, and cooperation, and includes consultation, assessment, planning, implementation, testing, training, and launch.

Q What are the prerequisites for integrating Salesforce with Sage Intacct?

A. Requirements include valid licenses for both platforms, clean and consistent data, a clear understanding of business processes and objectives, and a dedicated project manager and team for the integration.

Q. How can one initiate Salesforce and Sage Intacct integration?

A. Begin with a free initial consultation to discuss your setup, challenges, and goals, followed by a proposal detailing the integration’s scope, cost, and timeline.

Q. What support is available post-integration of Salesforce and Sage Intacct?

A. Ongoing support encompasses technical help, troubleshooting, updates, performance monitoring, and necessary adjustments, with assistance accessible via phone, email, or chat. Feel free to ask if you need further assistance or have more questions! 😊

Our Top Integration Services for Sage Intacct

Sage intacct integration services-1

Sage Intacct Hubspot Integration Sage Intacct Salesforce Integration Sage Intacct QuickBooks Time Integration Sage Intacct Magento Integration
Sage Intacct Shopify Integration Sage Intacct Avalara Integration Sage Intacct Integration Sage Intacct Expensify Integration 
Sage Intacct Adaptive Insights Integration Sage Intacct Nexonia Integration Sage Intacct Stripe Integration Sage Intacct HubSpot CRM Integration
Sage Intacct Concur Integration Sage Intacct ADP Integration  Sage Intacct Microsoft Dynamics 365 Integration Sage Intacct DocuSign Integration
Sage Intacct Xactly Integration Sage Intacct Tax1099 Integration Sage Intacct Zuora Integration Sage Intacct Workflow Integration
Sage Intacct Virtuous CRM Integration Sage Intacct BigTime Integration Sage Intacct Zendesk Sell Integration Sage Intacct Lightyear Integration
Sage Intacct Service Trade Integration Sage Intacct Chargebee Integration Sage Intacct Mews X Integration Sage Intacct ShipStation Integration
Sage Intacct Connector Integration Sage Intacct Nuvei Payments Integration Sage Intacct Gusto Integration Sage Intacct Workday Integration
Sage Intacct TSheets Integration Sage Intacct WePay  Integration Sage Intacct Mavenlink Integration  Sage Intacct Accelo Integration
Sage 300 Salesforce Integration Sage 100 Salesforce Integration Sage 50 Salesforce Integration  



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